Project "Klíčení"
The "Klíčení" (Germination) project of the children and youth organisation Pionýr strives to create an educational program for children with special educational requirements, such as children from socially disadvantaged families, children endangered with leaving education prematurely, and, last but not least, talented children. The project is financed by the European Social Fund within the Education for Competitiveness operational program.
For the Pionýr, this is the first project approved and supported from the operational grants.

The project "Klíčení" links to current activities of the Pionýr, activities of groups and clubs, as well as to special projects, such as "Oáza" and "Paráci". The purpose of the project is to increase the quality of the educational influence on children and youth in Czech Republic, while sustaining the existing principles of the organization, and keeping game as the basic educational instruments. Through activities in groups and clubs, games and motivated situations, the children will have the opportunity to consolidate their skills and knowledge by means of practical application in their clubs and groups.
The duration of the project is planned for three years; when this period is over, the final outputs will be available in the form of four educational programs adapted for single age categories:
- The youngest children (Preschoolers, 1st and 2nd Class);
- Lower age primary school-children (3rd 4th and 5th Class);
- Higher age primary school-children (6th 7th and 8th Class);
- Secondary school-children over 15 (9th Class and higher).
Simultaneously, an integrated system of education - an accredited course for leaders - will be created. Another aim of the project consists in developing key competences (such as emotional intelligence and social skills) of kids within non-formal education.
The project "Klíčení" will be based on a questionnaire survey in selected groups and clubs, and in primary schools. Based on the survey outputs, the above-mentioned educational modules will be created. These modules will be subject to a one-year verification cycle within selected Pionyr groups and clubs.
The project "Klíčení" benefits will be related to three major groups:
For children
- Consolidation of acquired skills and knowledge through various activities, games, and motivated situations;
- Motivation for extending knowledge in fields of their interest (developing skills and abilities with the stress on increasing their emotional intelligence);
- Increasing the abilities to adapt in new social environments, their positive perception and self-evaluation capacity;
For leaders
- Opportunity to enhance their qualification;
- Acquiring integrated guiding material of the program fulfilling requirements of personality development, as well as maintaining an informal approach;
For Pionýr groups and clubs
- Financial support when involved in the project;
- Opportunity of utilizing educational programs that will be created.